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We are providing affordable Water Purifier installation for all brands, sizes, and models.
Hire the best Water Purifier service expert near you in Delhi NCR. We provide doorstep service for all brands and all models.
We believe in regular maintenance and repair to increase the self-life of the Water Purifier. We offer a wide range of Water Purifier AMC plans to ensure the on-time service.
The market today is filled with different kinds of water purification systems. An average human body needs 70 % of the water daily. It is essential to have the best home drinking water purification systems. Good health is maintained with the consumption of clean and purified water.
The goal of water purification is to provide clean and disinfected water for consumption.
Water purification, for drinking, is a process of separating infelicitous chemicals, suspended solid components, biological remains and toxic gases from water.
There are several ways to purify water. The water is cleansed by a physical process like filtration, sedimentation, and distillation. Later it is purified by a biological process like activated carbon and sand filters. The water is also purified by chemical means such as chlorination and flocculation. The water is treated with ultraviolet rays (UV light) known as electromagnetic radiation for purification.
The drinking water must be purified to remove or reduce the concentration of particulate matter. It could be suspended particles, parasites, algae, viruses, fungi, parasites, and other pathogens.
The domestic drinking water purification systems are designed with different methods. Mainly there are 4 types of drinking water purification system. The 4 types are reverse osmosis, distillation, carbon black filters and ultraviolet distillation.
Scroll down to read the drinking water purification systems reviews. Review of different types of household drinking water purification systems that can be your guide to understand all you need to know.
A semipermeable membrane is used to treat all waterborne toxic substances through reverse osmosis. It is a powerful method to remove the heavy metal present in this. The system contains few divisions which make it easy and handy. The water purified through reverse osmosis enhances the water tastes. It is a good choice because it requires 4-5 stages of filtration compared to other household drinking water purification systems. It requires simple maintenance and saves money.
The distillation produces safe drinking water for the household. The process involves boiling. The water is vaporized. This process consists of the elimination of organic and inorganic chemicals, including heavy metals with reverse osmosis. The distillation process kills the bacteria and pathogens and makes water edible and safe.
Distillation is a natural way of purification. It removes useless contaminants and harmful heavy metals, which makes it the best water purification system.
The conventional drinking water filters are activated carbon and carbon block filters. The water can be treated with only activated carbon or as a part of reverse osmosis and UV filtration.
Activated carbon & carbon block filters are the most commonly used drinking water filters. It can stand alone, or it is also being used in one of the stages in reverse osmosis and UV filtration system too. It makes use of granular activated carbon and carbon block that works like a magnet for those impurities found in water. It is also known as “charcoal water filters.”
The carbon block filters come with different types depending on the impurities present in the water. Example, to remove the fluorides, reduce sediments or rust particles. Hence one can choose water purifying methods depending on the water. This makes it a best drinking water purification systems for the home.
These black carbon filters filter out hard metals from drinking water without destroying the essential substances. These NSF certified filters are helpful to remove turbidity and protozoan cysts, which cause diarrhoea.
The most effective way of killing waterborne bacteria is through ultraviolet water purification. It is a unique method of killing pathogens. These UV rays attack the DNA or genetic core and kill them. UV rays kill bacteria, viruses and protozoan cysts.
UV disinfection can also be called as a natural way of purification as it does not require any chemicals during the process. It does not compromise the water taste. Though UV disinfection is natural, it is an expensive water purifying system.
The 4 types of water purifying system discussed are qualified. The standards assure the system quality of EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).
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